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Creation: 11/04/2010 17:29
Update: 11/04/2010 17:32
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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Article: To the death chamber, with love - 11/04/2010 17:32

To death chamber, with love

The birds were found dead in its cage in the morning. Two of them, to be exact, each with one leg missing..  Dragged between the bars and eaten alive, presumably by wild cats.  Their bodies could not be dragged through the bars and hence just the legs.  No blood stains were seen in the cage. They might have died out of fear. I can visualize their frantic efforts to escape from the security I, their mentor, had mercifully provided. That made the scene even more horrendous. 

On the previous night, there were big commotion and agonizing cries from the cage. My wife and I had rushed to the cage to find the chicken safe.  Some feathers were found near the cage, which required no probing. Birds do shed feathers, don’t they?  I had absolutely no doubt that the cage was safe and secure. The chicken seemed to think otherwise.  They appeared tense and trembling.  Poor creatures!  God has not provided them the wisdom to recognize the care and protection I provide for them.  How unfortunate!

Yesterday, they were reluctant to get into the cage. Usually they required no prodding. The trauma of the previous night seemed to linger in their psyche. How silly of them! I wanted to shove those ungrateful creatures in. Roughly, I caught hold of one and truly I was surprised. It took absolutely no effort to escape. Its trust in me seemed complete and total.  It showed no fear and my attitude was mellowed.  No, I was overwhelmed with warm emotions.  Is it love, protectiveness or sheer gratitude, I did not know. I stroked the submissive and trusting bird from crown to tail and put it gently into the cage.  It gracefully took a few quick steps into the cage and on a second thought, returned to the entrance with a graceful look. She seemed to thank me.  The rest of the birds took the cue and entered the cage themselves. I was touched and moved. “It is in giving that you receive”. How true!  Humming a tune, I secured the cage and returned to my routine, happy and contended. It was indeed a Happy, Happy world.

That world lay shattered at my feet today. Now, I am in abject misery, reduced to a mass of dejection.  I hate this despicable existence, an existence where I could not even protect a few birds entrusted to my care.  Nay, I have betrayed their trust.  How obnoxious!. 

‘’Oh, it is after all just two birds,’’ said my wife.  “We will buy half a dozen tomorrow”

It is just two birds to her, equated to a few bucks.  But what price will I have to pay?

Tomorrow, I may block the memories of the chicken and conveniently forget my callousness. Why, I may  learn to relive the few moments of bliss those birds provided me, oblivious to the damage I caused.  I may even learn to glorify my role in the whole affair.


 After all, Life has to go on. What do you think?

